Friday, June 24, 2011

forks over knives

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.

i'm looking forward to seeing this one.

the business of food is such a powerful hydra-headed corporate behemoth nowadays that i never really believed that a film like this -- one that breaks down some essential problems with the way we eat as a culture -- could be widely marketed and distributed. (remember when the beef industry tried to unhinge oprah because of a show she did on mad cow disease?) i thought this was the land of the free, especially when it comes to free speech. but of course that's not the case. the powers that be are attempting to shift things so that you can't make disparaging remarks about their food products.

still and all, there seems to be a genuine shift towards wholesome, organic, healthful choices. if the food industry doesn't change, they will eventually be left behind.

because of the economic downturn, people are shopping at farmer's markets, maintaining their own gardens and generally eating their vegetables. it's not widespread, by any means. everyone is still raiding the dollar menu at mcdonalds and wendys here in the ghetto -- but even they're offering salad as an option.

if i could grow a garden in my harlem apartment, i would do it.

and although i think that organic fast food is oxymoronic, it's a rising trend whose time has come. i think that healthful options have to be taught and encouraged. while that's taking root, you may as well have something shockingly good for you at the local drive through.

like food inc and king corn, this film could shake things up.

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