Sunday, June 26, 2005

i'm a shutter-junkie!

tracey and franco gave me a digital camera for my birthday earlier this week. i'm so in love with it, it's wacky. it's a casio exilim Z50, and it's so small and pretty, it looks like a silver compact. i've been walking around harlem, taking pictures of my world, so happy to have something to document my life visually. i feel like a five year old with a brand new toy and every day that i get to play with it is christmas.

i'm sure that i'm a lousy photographer, in spite of this wonderful piece of equipment and all the bells and whistles it has that are supposed to help me take a decent shot. but if i work at it, i can get better and better and better. if you want to see some pics, go to flikr and let me know what you think. you've got to give it a few days, though. it'll take me a minute to gather some cool images. my little friend and i are still getting to know each other.


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when do we see the flickr pics?

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