Friday, September 02, 2011

the latest top five

these are the top five entries on my blog in the past few months. enjoy.
  1. your inner svengali
  2. james brown's wake: a view from west harlem
  3. why do i love dolly parton?
  4. black people can and do swim, part one
  5. nicole dufresne, guns and self-defense

1 comment:

AJ Muhammad said...

Queen, I remember going back and forth with you re: Your Inner Svengali which culminated in a sit down at MoMa on a Sunday afternoon where we talked about the blog and your upcoming projects.

That was a nice opportunity to spend some face time with the Queen.

You had to school me to say, you don't know what you're talking about! It's been about 2 years and look at all the work you have created since then! Amazing!

I am excited about the possibilities about your new work for the stage for yourself and the projects you are working on for a full cast and your upcoming music. Talking Fishbowl Blues is a tough act to follow but I know what's in the pipeline is going to take everything to a whole 'nother place