Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday Sermonette

This is one of my favorite songs ever, as led by the legendary Rev. Clay Evans -- evangelist, civil rights leader and founder of Chicago's Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, otherwise known as The Ship to its many parishoners. 

Rev. Evans story is a fascinating one.  It was when he was hard at work in a music club in Chicago as a porter that he realized that he could sing. Instead of joining a band, he became a pastor and sang gospel music. (Ah, the road not taken.) With weekly sermons via radio and television that reached millions, he rose to prominence in the pulpit, politics and gospel music, having co-founded Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) with Rev. Jesse Jackson, serving as pastor of The Ship for 42 years and releasing more than 3 dozen albums with his gospel choir -- many of them, award-winning classics.

Listen in and be blessed.

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