Friday, November 29, 2013

Post Food Fest

This Thanksgiving, I didn't eat myself into a coma.  Please congratulate me.

What's more, I actually enjoyed the dressing.  I managed to relax. I made a delicious dessert. I enjoyed the day -- and the company. Somewhere in my recent past, I realized that I don't love roast turkey as much as everyone else does,  so oversleeping and inhaling leftovers in my underwear doesn't happen anymore.  After wandering through The Met to see the latest exhibits and having jasmine tea in the Balcony Lounge, MPB and I ambled home to nosh on world class Mexican food (alhambres!) for dinner and watch a movie on Netflix.

*GASP* Could it be that my "relationship" with food has finally taken a back seat to the rest of my life?  Let's see what develops...

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