Monday, March 18, 2013

right now

right now/currently/as of this moment, i'm probably
  1. wandering through MoMA (aimlessly), making lists (sporadically) and shaking even more ideas loose (spontaneously)
  2. finishing my next album
  3. trying to figure out a way to pay for graduate school at nyu's tisch school of the arts mfa program
  4. eating clean semi-permanently -- because my stomach really can't take anything else
  5. submitting my musical the billie holiday project to theater companies
  6. applying for writing/performance workshops
  7. furtively looking for a commercial kitchen (preferrably in harlem)
  8. alternately practicing the banjo, the ukulele and my unplugged electric guitar
  9. auditioning for on-camera work and voiceovers
  10. working up a set of songs from the 1920s

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