i can feel it pulling me towards what can only be described as my permanent cliffhanger, the one that lurches along, free floating just above my head, just out of reach. a series of what ifs spill all over me, out of breath and scurrying to fall into place. they know where to go. they know how to get there. it's all i can do to get out of the way, stay out of the way. don't block the blessings, someone said to me in passing the other day.
i am filled with the kind of wanderlust that only a true pirate can understand.
all at once, i feel lighter and stronger and more realized and more vulnerable than ever. i am filled with energy and i am completely exhausted. i am losing weight. i am gaining ground. i am filled with joy. i love everyone -- even the people i can't stand. (crazy, right?) even in my sleep, i hit the ground running. i make lists, endlessly. i box and when i do i think, am i getting any better at this? and then i look at my stance, i look at my left hook, i look at my body and i see progress. i can't even begin to tell you how good it feels to hit something over and over again. hard. (hulk smash!)
everyday is boxing. everyday is practice - voice, piano, guitar. everyday is rewrites - libretto, one act play, lyrics, short stories, novella. everyday is a long walk and thinking aloud with a confidante. everyday is making beautiful art out of nothing. everyday is the dream made real.
all of this is churning inside me violently whilst i sing and dance and win pie baking contests and have fun in the sun.
the blue moon won't happen again until july 2015. i hope you make this one count, where ever you are. as for me, i will sit and spin contentedly and wallow in the strange velocity of my life.
photos and video coming soon. (really!)

(when the weather is nice, my writing desk is at the chipped cup.)